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Major Bob Khathing Memorial Lecture

Major Bob Khathing Memorial Lecture

“Leveraging North East Region for Enhancing Peace and Stability and Furthering India’s Act East Policy”

23 December 2022 at USI

Assam rifles in collaboration with USI organised the Annual Major Bob Khathing Memorial Lecture on 23 December 2022 at USI. The seminar was conducted in a hybrid mode as various units of Assam Rifles along with other Army units joined virtually. The key note speaker was Lt Gen Rana Pratap Kalita, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, who spoke on the topic “Leveraging North East Region for Enhancing Peace and Stability and Furthering India’s Act East Policy.” After the opening remarks by the moderator, the welcome address was given by Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, SM** (Retd), Director, USI. He talked about the historical ties between USI and Assam Rifles, as also mentioned Assam Rifles as the Sentinels of the Northeast.

Introductory remarks were given by Lt Gen Pradeep Chandran Nair, AVSM, YSM, Ph.D., Director General Assam Rifles. He briefed the audience about the role the Assam Rifles had played in various wars, such as the Battle of Kohima (World War 2) and the 1962 Indo-China war. He further elaborated the significance of the North eastern region and the progress made in the last few years, especially, in developing infrastructural projects, as also highlighted the future potential of the region.

The special address was given by Lt Gen Rana Pratap Kalita, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, and GOC-in-C Eastern Command. In an extensive speech, he gave a historical and cultural background of the Northeast, highlighting the ethnic and linguistic diversity in the region and the cultural similarities between the Northeast region and the Southeast Asian states. He further elaborated the challenges faced by Assam Rifles, as also highlighted the current relationship between India and its neighbours especially Myanmar and Bangladesh. He pointed out how commerce, capacity building, communication, and infrastructure development can help change the landscape of the region. He spoke about India’s Act East policies and the role of ASEAN.

This session was followed by the Question-Answer round where participants actively participated in the discussions. The event culminated with a vote of thanks by Maj Gen VK Nambiar, YSM, SM, IGAR (E).


Group Photo


 A report by Ms Swyamsiddha Samal