The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



Military Heritage || Geopolitics || Comprehensive National Security || Military Affairs || Niche and Disruptive Technologies || UN Peace Keeping || Professional Military Education || Net Assessment || Scenario Games || Red Teaming
Hindi English French German Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish


Major General Sanjeev Chowdhry (Retd), Director Editorial at the United Service Institution of India (USI), is a graduate of the Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington,  and the  College of  Defence Management.  During his career, he held several key command and staff appointments, including Commanding Officer of an Artillery Unit, Brigade Commander of a Composite Artillery Brigade, and General Officer Commanding of a  Sub Area. He also served as GSO-3 (Intelligence) of an infantry brigade  in high  altitude,  brigade major  of an infantry brigade, General Staff Officer-1 of an artillery division, Director  (Net Assessment)  at  HQ  Integrated  Defence  Staff,  Deputy  Director  General (Artillery),  focusing  on  artillery modernization,  and Brigadir  Artillery   of  a  corps  in the  Eastern  Sector. General  Chowdhry's instructional roles include tenures  at the Special  Frontier  Force  Academy and at DSSC. He  has also  served as  a  Military Observer in the United Nations Mission  in  Sierra Leone.  His expertise spans  net assessment,  soft skills training and career counselling.  He  is  presently  the  Director Editorial  at the  USI  and as a  contributor to  USI, he  shares  strategic  insights on geopolitics and  defence and security issues.


Neelotpal Mishra,  Senior Research Fellow, is an alumnus of The Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, U.K and University of Oxford U.K. He has over 25 years of work experience in industry verticals like government, information and communication. technology, hospitality, airlines, logistics, manufacturing, software product development and financial services. his expertise are information and cyber, warfare and technologies. He has a deep interest in military history and strategic affairs and has done consultancy work for various government organizations. He writes regularly on many Historical and strategic affairs topics.



Komal Chaudhary is currently the Editorial Assistant at the Editorial Section. She holds a master’s and bachelor’s degree in political science from Delhi University. Currently she is pursuing another master’s degree in Women and Gender Studies.






Vinayak Sharma, Research Assistant, is an alumnus of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and Hansraj College, is dedicated to the realms of international relations, diplomacy, and strategic thinking. With a profound interest in global affairs, geopolitics, and culture, he has been a consistent contributor to numerous publications since 2015, notably the USI Journal. He also holds a master’s degree in Defence and Strategic Studies.





Luv Yadav is the Website Manager, where he leverages his IT skills, including expertise in graphic design and HTML/CSS, to manage website updates, database administration, and web server configuration. Pursuing a Bachelor of Arts, he is keen on exploring opportunities in the IT industry. In his role, Luv is responsible for updating the website user interface, as well as managing database administration tasks such as installation, configuration, and optimisation and carrying out graphic designing.




Richa Sharma is currently an Editorial intern at the USI of India. She has recently completed her Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies. Prior to that, she was working as a journalist. Her research interests include internal security, strategic studies, peace building, cultural and theological studies.