The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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To Apply Manually and Read Instructions:-

Download Membership Form

1.         General. Officers as per eligibility given in Para 2 below, both serving and retired, and cadets from Defence Service Academies. Membership is given only to eligible individuals, and does not extend to dependents, who may, however, use the Restaurant and Residency at full rates.  The USI reserves the right to accept or reject applications. 

2.         Subscription Rates.


Life Membership  (Valid for 20 Years from Date of Membership)




(Entrance fee of  Rs. 4000/- included  in initial payment)





Armed Forces Officers

Rs. 14000/-

Rs. 10000/-

Army, Navy, IAF officers



Entitled civilian

Rs. 18000/-

Rs. 14000/-

IAS,IFS,IPS,Class-I Gazetted officers  of Gp `A’ Central Services


Ordinary Membership (For 3 years commencing 01 Jan).






(Entrance fee of  Rs. 1000/- included  in initial payment)





Armed Forces officers

Rs. 5000/-

Rs. 4000/-

Army, Navy, IAF officers. 



Cadets of Service Academies, NDA & Midshipmen   

Rs. 5000/-

Rs. 4000/-




Entitled Civilians

Rs. 6000/-

Rs. 5000/-

IAS,IFS,IPS,Class-I Gazetted officers  of Gp `A’ Central Services



(d)    Payment.  In favour of “Director USI”.


Note – Facilities for Life and Ordinary members are same. Grace period of two months upto 28/29 Feb is allowed for renewal at prevailing rate. Thereafter, entrance fee is to be paid again. No notice is sent for renewal. For conversion from Ordinary to Life Membership only the entrance fee portion will be adjusted.