USI’s Role in Advancing India’s UN Peacekeeping Legacy
The United Service Institution of India (USI) has played a pivotal role in advancing India's contributions to United Nations Peacekeeping (UNPK). The Centre for UNPK (CUNPK), initially established at USI with support from the Ministry of External Affairs and the Armed Forces, has now evolved into a dedicated unit under the Indian Army, focusing on training and tactical issues related to UNPK. Meanwhile, USI continues to emphasise operational, strategic, and policy dimensions of peacekeeping, positioning itself as a key platform for discourse and research on UN peace operations, presenting an Indian perspective on contemporary challenges and reforms.
The USI CUNDP is actively highlighting India's role in UNPK through forums and initiatives at operational and policy levels. It draws on a distinguished resource faculty comprising former permanent representatives to the UN, heads and deputies of UNPK missions, force commanders, policymakers from UN HQ, and a broad base of UN Military Observers (UNMO) from the military, paramilitary, and police forces. This expertise underpins USI's substantial contributions to peacekeeping scholarship and advocacy.In 2023, a book titled, ‘India and the UN Peace Operations: In the service of humanity and global Peace’ by Col (Dr) KK Sharma, Visiting Fellow USI; was published in collaboration with ICWA.
USI's publications further reinforce its impact in this domain. In 2022, two significant works were published: Keeping the Peace: UN Peace Operations and Their Effectiveness by Maj Gen (Dr) AK Bardalai (Retd) and India and UN Peacekeeping: Through the Prism of Time by Maj Gen PK Goswami, Deputy Director General USI. These books, released by prominent global figures at the Challenges Annual UN Forum 2022, reflect USI's commitment to documenting and analyzing India's peacekeeping legacy. Besides This Special USI Journal on Theme of UN Peace Operations is set to further cement USI's role as a thought leader in this critical field.
USI Collaborations in UN Peacekeeping and Global Security
The United Service Institution of India (USI) has been a prominent contributor to international discussions on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO) challenges through its collaborations with renowned organizations worldwide.
- Challenges Forum Collaboration. USI is a founding partner of the Challenges Forum, an international platform aimed at fostering constructive dialogue on UNPKO. The Forum bridges the gap between policy and operational levels while fostering shared understandings among stakeholders, including the UN, regional organizations, member states, troop- and police-contributing countries, and host nations. USI has consistently partnered with the Challenges Forum on key peacekeeping issues, ensuring India's voice and perspective are well-represented. In 2022, Challenges Annual Forum was organised by USI in New Delhi.
- Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). USI has collaborated extensively with NUPI on projects and events. Dr Cedric De Coning, Research Professor at NUPI, has been instrumental in supporting USI’s leadership in UN-related themes. His recommendation led to USI's inclusion in the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) for a thematic study on protection in UN peace operations. This culminated in a USI presentation at the UN HQ during EPON Week in May 2022.
- Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON). USI is a founding member of EPON and has actively participated in its UN-related activities and studies, contributing valuable insights into the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations.
- Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP). Consequent to the visit of GCSP delegation, headed by Director, on 06 March, partnership was formalised through an MOU on 19 March 2024. This collaboration addresses pressing global security challenges, focusing on areas such as geopolitical analysis, multi-domain warfare, grey-zone conflicts, disruptive technologies, UN peace operations, defense diplomacy, and cross-domain skill development. By merging USI’s strategic expertise with GCSP’s global perspective, the partnership aims to advance research, training, and dialogue in international security. During 2023, USI partnered GCSP in a study of the effectiveness of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation (UNTSO), in coordination with EPON. Maj Gen (Dr) AK Bardalai represented USI in study. DG USI and Maj Gen (Dr) AK Bardalai were part of team which presented the study report at UNHQ on 31 May 2024.
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). USI, in collaboration with the ICRC, proposes to host conferences, seminars, and roundtable discussions on critical issues. This partnership highlights USI’s commitment to humanitarian law and its integration into peace and security discourse.
Through these collaborations, USI continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the discourse on global peace and security, bridging academic, policy, and operational domains.
Mission Statement
To contribute towards Capability Building of UN Peace Operations.
To emerge as a Centre of Excellence for evolving strategic and operational concepts of UN Peace Operations (UNPOs), while advancing India’s viewpoint for policy formulation at national and international levels.
The objectives are to strengthen and advance USI Charter and Vision 2030. To achieve this, following objectives to be adopted:
- To engage with the international partners and selected research centres across the globe and participating in peacekeeping research.
- To provide platform for inter-governmental agency dialogue on strategic and operational subjects of UN Peacekeeping to help promote India’s contribution and approach to peacekeeping.
- To act as a repository of experiences of Indian peacekeeping practitioners and academicians.
- To publish Books/Monographs/Occasional Papers on issues related to UN Peacekeeping.