The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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DSSC/DSTSC Corres Course (Army)


1.         Aim.     The aim of the USI Corres Courses is to assist service offrs to prepare for the selected exam, in a systematic and comprehensive manner, incl writing prac throughout the year by interactive guidance and corrections.


2.         The corres courses are essentially in the nature of revision courses and therefore, pre-suppose a certain degree of study on the part of officers as applicable including Comd Pre-Staff Courses (CPSC).

3.         The conduct of the corres courses is through despatch at regular intervals of test papers for subjects as applicable to the selected exam. These mock test papers are set by experienced instructors on the pattern of the actual exam and cover all imp aspects of subjects in a graduated manner. The final test paper in each subject covers the entire syllabus for the subject and is virtually a full dress rehearsal just before the actual exam.

4.         Student offrs are reqd to answer the test papers in their own time under exam conditions and send the answer sheets to the USI indicating Subject, Test Paper No, Course Index No, and email address. Each answer sheet is corrected by an experienced DS and returned to the offr along with detailed comments and personal guidance notes.  Answer sheets will only be corrected which are reced before 30 days of the actual exam. Suggested answers to the test papers are also sent for guidance of students.

5.         Study mtrl incl specifically prep maps for MH (prep for the USI by experienced DS) designed to make the understanding of the prescribed mil campaign and biographical character easier, with reqd application of op art and relevance in current context, as prescribed in the syllabus, are provided to the students taking the course.

6.         Similarly, for CA quarterly supplements (collated for the USI by experienced Directing Staff) comprehensively covering the International and Domestic scenes (IS & DS ) are made available to the students taking the course.

7.         The Course has been remodelled as an ‘Interactive Course’. Enrolment to corres course entitles its students, free of cost doubt clarification – coord by the USI, and amplification on subject(s) raised by the students. The offrs do ask questions and have been very active from the time it started.

8.         A few online guidance sessions are also planned for those taking Corres Course.

9. Tentative despatch schedules of relevant Corres Courses are sent to registrants concerned.