The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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About Us: Centre of Military History and Conflict Studies (CMHCS)

The Centre for Armed Forces and Historical Research, now CMHCS was established in December 2000 under the aegis of the USI at the behest of the three Service Headquarters for encouraging an objective study of all facets of national and international conflicts and military history with a special emphasis on the history of the Indian Armed Forces.
Aim of The Centre is to encourage the objective study of all facets of the history of the Indian Armed Forces.


(a) To study the history of Indian Armed Forces with objectivity, covering strategic, tactical, logistics, organisational, socio-economic aspects and their implementation. The emphasis is on the following periods: -

(i) Post-Independence.

(ii) 1900-1947 AD.

(iii) 1750-1900 AD.

(iv) Prior to 1750 AD.

(b) To award fellowships for military historical research.

(c) To add to Indian military history through means other than research fellowships, e.g. interaction with individuals and institutions through seminars, workshops and so on.

(d) To identify historical flaws and inconsistencies, and set them in the correct perspective by proper research.

(e) In due course, build up a military historical archive; data bank on availability of publications, records, artefacts and museums pertaining to the Armed Forces, resource centre and library.

(f) To publish periodic newsletters in due course once the Centre establishes itself.

(g) To undertake any other aspects related to the history of the Indian Armed Forces.

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