The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



Military Heritage || Geopolitics || Comprehensive National Security || Military Affairs || Niche and Disruptive Technologies || UN Peace Keeping || Professional Military Education || Net Assessment || Scenario Games || Red Teaming
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DSSC/DSTSC Contact Program (Army)


1.         Aim.   To appear in a Mock Test which gives writing prac to student offrs in real time exam conditions.


2. The CP is very imp and popular since it gives a good writing prac and helps attempt the Question Papers of each subject ie. TAC A, TAC B, ADM & LAW, SMT, MH and CA in actual exam mode. The format too is very popular and gives the aspirant offrs an opportunity to check their level of preparedness. The Guidance and Syndicate Discussions prior to and after the exams help clear last min doubts as also help to start the final stg of prep for the DSSC entrance exam.

3. Three CPs for DSSC/DSTSC Sep 2025 will be conducted during the year.  Normally these are over subscribed, so register at the earliest as it is on first cum first serve basis to get your preferred dts.


4. In 2025, the CPs will also be conducted on Hybrid Model based on feedback.  Offrs who want to attend physically will be able to attend at the USI premises and the offrs who have difficulty in travelling due to any reason can join virtually.  It will therefore give an opportunity to all offrs to attend contact pgme irrespective of their loc or any adm problems. Student Offrs are advised to make best use of this facility and register immediately alongwith other preparatory courses mentioned before.  For Hybrid Mode of CP, offrs are expected to join online via WEBEX on the Link provided for Guidance Sessions.  Question paper for them will be sent via email and students are expected to send answer sheets through speed post for correction and return incl suggested answers.

5.         Dts of Contact Pgme :-

            CP- I                                                    16 to 21 Jun 2025.

            CP-II                                                    30 Jun to 05 Jul 2025.

            CP-III                                                   14 to 19 Jul 2025.

6.         Fee Structure.   Course fee per CP is as under :-

            (a) Mock Test & Guidance/Discussion                                                 7000/- plus 1500*

            (b) Only mtrl for CP                                                                                    3500/- plus 1500*

            (Rs 1500* is the one time Course Membership fee for a yr, if no other USI courses have been subscribed for during that yr OR not already a                       Life/Ordinary USI of India Member)

7.         Offers can attend more than one CP to get addl writing prac.