The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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USI Gold Medal Essay Competition

The USI has been conducting a Gold Medal essay competition from 1870, which is a barometer of opinion on security and defence matters. It is a prestigious annual event aimed at fostering intellectual discourse and innovative thinking on topics of national security, defence strategy, and military affairs. Open to military personnel retired and serving, Senior Division cadets of the National Cadet Corps, and gazetted civilian officers, including retired officers , the competition serves as a platform to present original and thought-provoking essays on contemporary issues.

Participants are invited to explore and critically analyse topics of significant relevance, contributing to the broader understanding of security challenges and strategic dynamics. Essays are evaluated by a distinguished panel of experts based on depth of research, originality, clarity, and strategic insight.

The competition is open to all commissioned officers of the Armed Forces, Territorial Army, Senior Division cadets of the National Cadet Corps, and gazetted civilian officers, including retired officers.

Winners of the competition are awarded the coveted USI Gold Medal (Winner), Certificate (Second Position), cash prizes and are the USI life membership free of cost. a symbol of excellence in military and strategic thought. Their essays are often featured in USI publications, amplifying their voice within the strategic community.

Through this initiative, the USI reaffirms its commitment to nurturing thought leadership and advancing scholarly contributions in the realm of defence and security.

From 1970 onwards a second gold medal was instituted for officers below ten years of service, which continued till 2021. However since 2022 the essay competition now has one category only irrespective of the service bracket.

Topic for 2024: ‘Non-Contact and Non-Kinetic Warfare in the Indian Context: Concepts and Pathways’



Sub:   -    ‘Non-Contact and Non-Kinetic Warfare in the Indian Context: Concepts and   




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IC 64349Y Col Vikram Tiwari

Army War College