The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



Military Heritage || Geopolitics || Comprehensive National Security || Military Affairs || Niche and Disruptive Technologies || UN Peace Keeping || Professional Military Education || Net Assessment || Scenario Games || Red Teaming
Hindi English French German Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish

Course Results

The remodeling of Course together with hardwork put in by candidates who attended the course at the USI has been very satisfying leading to outstanding results. In 2024, 75 percent of total seats of DSSC/DSTSC/ALMC & ISC were secured by offrs who took some of the USI Course. In 2024, USI students bagged 14 out 20 Competitive vacancies for DSSC (Army). Out of 251 Army officers nominated to attend DSSC Course, 191 were USI students. Out of 25 earmarked as reserve, 19 were USI students and out of 103 offrs nominated for DSTSC, 79 were USI students. Out of 90 offrs earmarked for ALMC & ISC, 67 offrs were USI students. See msg to Dir Courses for detailed analysis of results.