The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



Military Heritage || Geopolitics || Comprehensive National Security || Military Affairs || Niche and Disruptive Technologies || UN Peace Keeping || Professional Military Education || Net Assessment || Scenario Games || Red Teaming
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Message from the Director Editorial

Dear USI Members, 

The USI Editorial Section stands as a cornerstone in the exploration and dissemination of defence and security studies. As the Director of Editorial, I am privileged to lead a dedicated team that drives the dynamic array of publishing, IT, and social media endeavours at USI.

Our mission is to ensure that USI’s cutting-edge research and scholarly insights reach both the academic sphere and the public domain through diverse and accessible platforms. We take pride in fostering intellectual growth and shaping the discourse on critical strategic and security issues.

Our Strategic Objectives:

  • Robust Publication Management: We publish the  USI  Journal, Strategic  Year Book,  and a variety of papers and monographs that delve into  pressing  strategic issues. Collaborative efforts  with  renowned scholars lead to the creation of compelling books, while our partnerships with leading organizations enhance the reach and impact of our publications.
  • Advanced Digital Content and Platform Management: Our  commitment to  continuously  enhancing the  USI website ensures that strategic insights are readily accessible. This provides our audience  with an  enriching and  informative online experience. The recent initiatives has been the series  on  Strategic Dialogues  with eminent strategists and  Global Heatmap as a weekly geopolitics roundup.
  • Innovative Social Media and Digital Outreach: By leveraging  modern IT and  social media strategies,  we expand our  engagement through podcasts, videos, and interactive content on platforms like YouTube, making our research relatable and impactful.
  • Engaging Event Execution: We proudly host significant events such as the USI Gold Medal and US-Chief of Air Staff Essay Competitions, catalyzing scholarly innovation and dialogue on pressing security challenges.

At USI, we are more than a think tank; we are an active participant in the global dialogue on defence and security, committed to enriching the debate and fostering informed solutions.

As part of this effort, I  warmly invite you to contribute  to  USI Publications.   Your insights,  research,   and   scholarly  perspectives  are  vital in  shaping practitioners whose work influences policies, enriches academia, and impacts the broader understanding of critical global challenges.

Explore our diverse publications, immerse yourself in our digital content, and share your expertise to advance our collective understanding. Together, we can inspire change, foster innovation, and shape the future of security discourse.

Let us continue to grow, collaborate, and make a meaningful impact.

Warm Regards,

Maj Gen Sanjeev Chowdhry (Retd)

Director Editorial

United Service Institution of India

Director Editorial, USI