1. Aim – To impart requisite knowledge in designated subjects and enable candidates to carry out detail professional studies to help in the Competitive Entrance Exam for DSSC/DSTSC.
2. Focused study under appropriate guidance specially wrt to subjects that are beyond the imdt realm of service subjects is certainly a recipe for success in competitive exams. USI of India has always endeavoured to fulfill that role. For USI OPSC, the subjects decided are MH, SMT and CA. Pursuant to recent changes in the policy, wrt the model of DSSC Entrance Exam Pre-Staff Course, wef 2025, yet, in keeping with the demand of student offrs and positive feedbacks recd from the environment, about the usefulness of the USI run OPSC, it has been decided at the USI of India to continue with the USI OPSC albeit with mod in structure and time / modalities. This is expected to be a value addition for offrs attending Regional Comd CPSC and help out those who are unable to attend CPSC (due to various reasons). For fmns/units,this model offers many advantages like incr availability of offrs in the Units/fmns & flexibility. As also, Units with more offrs appearing can have staggered attendance etc. Online trg is a positive transformation in trg for future, making best available tech and minimizing cost, without compromising on quality of trg. This model is being extensively used in different formats in almost all universities, schools as well as by the corporates. The model gives equal opportunity to offrs appearing for second or third time, as also to offrs posted abroad / on UN msns, who are unable attend CPSC in these subjects. This model of trg is expected to remain uninterrupted, even if there are other disruptions. The feedbacks from all stake-holders have been incorporated to make the OPSC more eff in 2025.
Modalities of Conduct of USI OPSC
3. Duration and Schedule.
(a)The Regional Comd CPSC dts are as under :-
- SC - 03 Feb to 15 Mar 2025.
- EC - 17 Feb to 29 Mar 2025.
- SWC - 17 Feb to 29 Mar 2025.
- WC - 24 Feb – 05 Apr 2025.
- NC - 03 Mar – 12 Apr 2025.
(b) The USI OPSC will be conducted over 14 days as a capsule. Two such capsules are proposed to be conducted in 2025 to provide options/flexibility to aspirant offrs to attend the course as per org/pers commitments. The Schedule for USI OPSC is as under :
Capsule |
Date & Time |
1 |
05 – 17 May 2025 1600h -2000h |
2 |
19 – 31 May 2025 1600h – 2000h |
4. Subjects. The USI OPSC will be conducted for MH, SMT and CA.
5. Conduct Methodology & Pedagogy. In conduct of the OPSC 2025, academic curriculum offered would be same as was done in OPSC 2024. Modalities of attendance by the offrs will be over civil internet platforms through cmptrs/mobile phones. The Online Course will be conducted on WEBEX video conferencing platform. Min three days of instructional activities, one day of mock tests for each of the subjects (SMT, MH, CA) will be ensured. The curriculum for both capsules of OPSC will be the same, with minor improvements if any based on feedbacks, as the course progresses. The detailed instrs for online cls / attendance, mock tests and discussions on corrected answer sheets will be info to Registrants. The Online package will comprise of:
(a) Online cls by distinguished faculty – Directing Staff (DS
(b) Doubt clearing sessions.
(c) One Mock test per subject. Discussion on corrected answer sheets between DS and the student offr concerned online on student’s request, with USI kept in the loop.
(d) Lectures by specialist speakers.
(e) Issue of printed Precis, Handouts, Updates and other Study mtrl.
(f) Audio and visual presentations, video clips.
(g) Sharing of Presentation Slides on completion of each capsule & answer to concerned Mock test papers.
(h) Post Course guidance by tele conversation/video conf at student offrs request, with concerned DS, to be arng by the USI.
6. Study Mtrl. Precis for (MH and CA) incl two updates of CA (International & Domestic) prep by the USI of India will be issued by the ARTRAC. SMT precis alongwith one update apart from relevant handouts if / as reqd will be issued / uploaded by the USI of India as part of USI OPSC package. The distr to the student offrs by the USI will only commence after regn with the USI. The issue process will start around end Jan 2025 onwards.
7. Regn. The regn will be on First come First Serve basis. First 200 offrs regd will be given freedom to choose any capsule. The regns will not be Comd specific but open for the entire DSSC aspirants of the Army, irrespective of loc. Regn for USI OPSC is open from 07 Oct 2024 for USI OPSC 2025. Course fees for USI OPSC are as under :-
(a) All three subjects - Rs 8000 (6500 USI OPSC fees + *1500 USI one year Course membership fees).
(b) Two Subjects - Rs 6000 (4500 USI OPSC fees + *1500 USI one year Course membership fees).
(c) One Subject - Rs 4000 (2500 USI OPSC fees + *1500 USI one year Course membership fees).
(*Rs 1500 is the one time Course Membership fee for a yr, if no other USI courses have been subscribed for during that yr OR not already a Life / Ordinary USI of India Member)
8. Only Study Mtrl. Study mtrl on MH and CA along with updates prep by USI of India is being issued through ARTRAC. An option is being given to the offrs who only want to acquire the USI precis on SMT, with updates without undertaking the USI OPSC, at a cost of Rs 3500/- (Rs 2000 plus Rs. 1500/- USI Course membership fees if not regd for any of the USI Courses in the current yr or not a Life/Ordinary member). Such offrs may plan accordingly.
9. A ‘Qualifying Cert’ from USI of India on ‘Strat & Conflict Studies and Def Tech’ will be awarded to the offrs who undertake the USI OPSC Course.