The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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General Palit Military Studies Trust

The operation of the General Palit Military Studies Trust(GPMST),New Delhi has been transferred from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses to the USI of India with effect from 2003. The Trust was founded in 1988 by Major General DK Palit, with the object of promoting the study and re-examination of Indian military history of the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly episodes which have so far been recorded only by British authors and based solely on British records and memoirs. Now that a number of Indian archives have been opened to the public (such as the Peshwa Office papers, or documents held at the courts of some of the former princely Indian states, and others) old historical accounts could bear re-examination in the light of indigenous archives. The Trust makes scholarships available to applicants who wish to undertake such studies, or who wish to conduct similar research into campaigns and actions of the Great War and World War II in so far as they pertain to units or formations of the Indian Army, the Indian State Forces, the Royal Indian Marine or the Royal Indian Air Force; or of the wars fought since Independence. Applications for scholarships are entertained from scholars and students of military history, preference being given to serving and retired members of the Armed Forces, civilian government officers and members from academia and the Press. They should be addressed to the Secretary, General Palit Military Studies Trust, United Service Institution of India, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Opp. Signals Enclave, New Delhi – 110 057.

Following the closure of the UK Branch of the Trust in 2005, applications from scholars overseas, British or Indian, may also be addressed to the Secretary, General Palit Military Studies Trust, New Delhi.

Preference is given to candidates who have experience in historical research or who have previously published books or articles on military history. They should, where possible, indicate source materials they wish to research, both in India and in the United Kingdom. Selected scholars will be awarded financial grants depending on their requirements for travel and research.

Grants to scholars will be paid in two instalments, the second payment contingent upon the progress of research and the quality of material produced after an appointed period. A fellowship or a scholarship would normally cover a period of one/two years. In the ordinary course, fellowships commence w.e.f. 01 July of each year. Applications are to reach the Secretary latest by 31 December, annually.


Current Fellows Proposed Projects
Maj Gen K S Randhir Sinh A Historical Novel Centred On Early 16th Century Rajputana
Col BS Verma Identify, Review and Analyse the State of Preparedness, Errors of Judgement in Action/ Execution of Plans Committed in the 1971 Indo-Pak War
Past Fellows Projects
Richard Head and Tony McClenaghan The Maharaja’s Paltans: A History of the Indian State Forces (1888-1948) Part I & II
Maj Gen DK Palit, VrC (Retd) Saga of an Indian IMS Officer: The Life and Times of Lt Col AN Palit, OBE, 1883-1972 Musings and Memories, Vol III
Wg Cdr KK Nair Sweat and Sword: Trade Diplomacy and War in Kerala Through the Ages
PVS Jagan Mohan The Westland Wapiti in the Indian Air Force- A Complete History (1933-1943)
Brig Amar Cheema, VSM (Retd) The Crimson Chinar- The Kashmir Conflict: A Politico Military Perspective