The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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USI Annual UN Forum Nov 21-22, 2023: International Humanitarian Law and UN Peacekeeping

USI Annual UN Forum Nov 21-22, 2023: International Humanitarian Law and UN Peacekeeping

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), also known as the law of armed conflict, regulates the behaviour of parties in situations amounting to an armed conflict. It consists of a set of rules and principles that seek to limit the effects of the conflict and protect those who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities, such as civilians and wounded or captured combatants. IHL is primarily embodied in the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, as well as reflected in customary international law. 

Click here to see the detailed programme schedule: Programme Schedule



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