Over the years, the United Service Institution (USI) of India Journal has made a key contribution to enlightening readers on the ongoing geopolitical situation, national security, defence studies, and United Nations Peacekeeping. This 1st Quarter (Jan-Mar 2023) Journal is a special edition which commemorates the contribution of the United Nations in maintaining world peace, with highlights of India’s contribution to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations.
The USI has played a stellar role in the furtherance of India’s contribution to UN Peace Keeping. The Centre for UN Peacekeeping (CUNPK), which was established and nurtured at the USI, became not only a full-fledged unit of the Indian Army but also a regional node for excellence in peacekeeping. The USI is endowed with an experienced resource faculty, comprising India’s former permanent representatives to the UN, diplomats who headed the UN division in the Ministry of External Affairs, Heads of the Missions/Force Commanders and Deputy Heads of the Missions/Deputy Force Commanders of UN Peacekeeping missions, Military Advisers to the Secretary-General and those who have held advisory appointments at the UN HQ at the policy-making level. Former practitioners of peacekeeping (both military and police forces) make USI’s contribution to the field of peacekeeping creditable. Besides, USI is a founding member of the Challenges Forum and regularly collaborates with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Effectiveness of Peacekeeping Network (EPON), and Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) on different UN-related topics.
Our lead in organising international courses in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is one such initiative taken by the USI. Within India, the USI has partnered with the UN Women, the UN Resident Coordinator (UNRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA). To make it easier for the students of peacekeeping to refer to the scholarly contributions to peacekeeping, the proceedings of all physical and web-based peacekeeping events are being produced as Monographs both in print and digitised form.
This special USI Journal covers a few selected articles about the complex challenges faced by UN peacekeeping such as the protection of civilians, freedom of movement and ever-increasing crimes against peacekeepers, the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping in mandate implementation, the future of UN peace operations, and also highlighting India’s contribution to UN peacekeeping from the inception of peacekeeping until its current contributions in the African Region.
The topics in this special issue range from India’s first contribution to Korea to some of the complex ongoing peacekeeping missions in the African Region as well as opinions and views on the challenges that impact the performance of the peacekeeping missions. This edition carries articles by practitioners of UN peacekeeping, UN professionals and researchers, and academicians - both young and old - who have been part of either the planning process or policy formulation or implementing the mandate. Being the only institution in India that engages in the academic work of peacekeeping, articles related to peacekeeping get published in the journals of the USI from time to time. This however is the first special issue of USI on UN peacekeeping. There is 15 well-researched articles, a brief on Challenges Annual Forum 2022 and reviews of two recent USI publications on UN peacekeeping in this issue.
In its pursuit to excel in the academic field of UN peacekeeping, USI considers feedback and referral as the source of motivation. As always, the USI Journal will strive to maintain the standard of research and simple and pleasurable reading. The USI acknowledges the financial assistance received from the ICSSR for this journal’s publication.
Happy Reading!
Gp Capt Sharad Tewari, VM (Retd)
Director Editorial
Author : Gp Capt Sharad Tewari, VM (Retd),
Category : Journal
Pages : 1 | Price : ₹CLIII/631 | Year of Publication : January 2023 - March 2023