The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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USI - Chief of Air Staff Essay Competition

Based on the request of Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Air), an essay competition open to all commissioned officers of the Indian Indian Air Force has been instituted in 2024, with the first competition being evaluated in 2025.

The topic for the current year is ‘Transformation of the Indian Air Force for Future Ready Joint Operations’.

Participants are invited to explore and critically analyse topics related aerospace operations. Essays wil be evaluated by a distinguished panel of experts based on depth of research, originality, clarity, and strategic insight.

They winner will be awarded a Gold Medal to the winner and/or a cash prize of ?45,000 for the winner, and the runner up wil receive a Silver Medal and a cash award of ?30,000. The Winners will also receive USI life membership gratis.

Leaflet for 2025
