The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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CMHCS Seminar on Strategic Thought & Leadership on the Silk Road

CMHCS Seminar on Strategic Thought & Leadership on the Silk Road

CMHCS hosted a Seminar on 'Strategic Thought and Leadership on the Silk Road with respect to India'. H.E. Mr Dimitrios Ioannou, Ambassador of Greece to India, H.E. Mr Dambajavyn Ganbold, Ambassador Designate of Mongolia to India, and H.E. Mr Dilshod Akhatov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to India participated in the seminar.