The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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United Services Institution of India Programme for Training: IAF Officers On International Humanitarian Law and Space Laws

United Services Institution of India Programme for Training: IAF Officers On International Humanitarian Law and Space Laws


This event is an outcome of brief discussion with the CAS at USI, Earlier officers were sent to National Law School Hyderabad for such training.  20 officers from the Indian air force will be attending the capsule. It will be conducted by Wg Cdr (Dr) UC Jha, Gp Capt Kishore Khera, an independent analyst and Dr Gunjan Chawla from ICRC.

The detailed program is given below:

18 December 2023

1000-1030 Registration and Tea

1030-1040 Welcome Remarks: DG USI of India

1045-1150 Session I by Wg Cdr U C Jha (Retd)

Topic I: What is International Humanitarian Law (IHL), Typology in the modern time, Principles/ rules of IHL, Customary Laws, IHL and International Human Rights Law, International treaty system.

1150-1200 Tea Break

1200-1300 Session II by Gp Capt Kishore Khera (Retd)

Topic II: Limitations to the means and methods in warfare, making targeting decisions and precautions in attack.

1300-1400 Lunch

1400-1500 Session III by Gp Capt Kishore Khera (Retd)

Topic III: Law Relating to Air and Missile Operations including Autonomous Weapons

1500-1515 Tea Break

1515-1615 Session IV by Wg Cdr U C Jha

Topic IV: Outer Space Legal Domian Part I

19 December 2023

1000-1015 Assembly and Tea

1015-1130: Session V: Wg Cdr U C Jha

Topic V: Outer Space Legal Domain Part II

1130-1145 Tea Break

1145-1245: Session VI: Gp Capt Kishore Khera

Topic VI: Outer Space weapons and their legal limitations

1245-1300 Interactive sessions

1300-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1515: Session VII: by Dr Gunjan Chawla, Legal Advisor, ICRC, New Delhi

Topic VII: Applicability of IHL in Outer Space Warfare

1515-1530: Tea Break

1530-1545: Interactive Session


1545-1600 Concluding Remarks


18 December 2023


1000-1030 Registration and Tea


1030-1040 Welcome Remarks: DG USI of India


1045-1150 Session I by Wg Cdr U C Jha (Retd)

Topic I: What is International Humanitarian Law (IHL), Typology in the modern time, Principles/ rules of IHL, Customary Laws, IHL and International Human Rights Law, International treaty system.


1150-1200 Tea Break


1200-1300 Session II by Gp Capt Kishore Khera (Retd)

Topic II: Limitations to the means and methods in warfare, making targeting decisions and precautions in attack.


1300-1400 Lunch


1400-1500 Session III by Gp Capt Kishore Khera (Retd)

Topic III: Law Relating to Air and Missile Operations including Autonomous Weapons


1500-1515 Tea Break


1515-1615 Session IV by Wg Cdr U C Jha

Topic IV: Outer Space Legal Domian Part I


19 December 2023


1000-1015 Assembly and Tea


1015-1130: Session V: Wg Cdr U C Jha

Topic: Outer Space Legal Domain Part II


1130-1145 Tea Break


1145-1245: Session VI: Gp Capt Kishore Khera

Topic: VI: Outer Space weapons and their legal limitations


1245-1300 Interactive sessions


1300-1400 Lunch Break


1400-1515: Session VII: by Dr Gunjan Chawla, Legal Advisor, ICRC, New Delhi

Topic: Applicability of IHL in Outer Space Warfare


1515-1530: Tea Break


1530-1545: Interactive Session


1545-1600 Concluding Remarks