The United Service Institution of India was founded in 1870 by a soldier scholar, Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor. The story of its growth is the story of the growth of the Indian Armed Forces. It was founded for ‘furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the Defence Services.’



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USI-War Wounded Foundation Chair of Excellence

The War Wounded Foundation (WWF) was incorporated in Aug 2002  for creating  long term  avenues  for the  financial independence of all war-disabled personnel of the Armed Forces. The aim of the WWF is to ensure that war-disabled personnel become productive citizens by participating in the all-round development of the Nation.

The WWF also aims to enhance the ‘visibility’ of all military war-disabled personnel, so that the citizens of the Nation understand their problems and appreciate their sacrifices.

The United Service Institution of India and War Wounded Foundation have undertaken joint activities to further the aims and objectives of WWF by conducting research in diverse aspects of rehabilitation of war disabled personnel of the Armed Forces.

The first WWF Chair of Excellence was allotted to Mrs Meghna Girish for a study on: ‘War Wounded, Disabled Soldiers and Cadets: A Report’ which dealt with Ground Realities, Gaps and Challenges in Access to Entitlements and Benefits for War Wounded Disabled Soldiers and Disabled Cadets’’.

The current Chair Holder is Col Pronob Roy for his research on ‘Beyond the Battlefield: Analysing the Role of the Private Sector, Media, and Public in Supporting War-Disabled Personnel in India'


Chair of Excellence Awarded to



Mrs. Meghna Girish

‘War Wounded Personnel of the Indian Army : A Study’ 


Mrs. Meghna Girish

‘War Wounded Personnel of the Indian Army : A Study’ 


Col Pronob Roy ( On going)

Beyond the Battlefield: Analysing the Role of the Private Sector, Media, and Public in Supporting War-Disabled Personnel in India'